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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - triple


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~1 adj only before noun 1 having three parts or involving three members  (a triple alliance) 2 triple circle/line/coil etc a set of three circles etc 3 triple murder/killing etc the murder etc of three people ~2 v to become three times as much or as many, or to make something do this  (The company has tripled in size in the last twenty years. | triple sth)  (We should triple our profits next year.) ~3 n a hit of the ball in baseball that allows the batter2 (3) to get to the third base2 (8)
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  (triples, tripling, tripled) 1. Triple means consisting of three things or parts. ...a triple somersault... In 1882 Germany, Austria, and Italy formed the Triple Alliance. ADJ: ADJ n 2. If something triples or if you triple it, it becomes three times as large in size or number. I got a fantastic new job and my salary tripled... The Exhibition has tripled in size from last year... The merger puts the firm in a position to triple its earnings. = treble VERB: V, V in n, V n 3. If something is triple the amount or size of another thing, it is three times as large. The mine reportedly had an accident rate triple the national average... = treble PREDET: PREDET the n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~d; tripling)  Etymology: Middle English (Scots), from Late Latin triplare, from Latin triplus, adjective  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to make three times as great or as many  2.  a. to score (a base runner) by a ~  b. to bring about the scoring of (a run) by a ~  intransitive verb  1. to become three times as great or as numerous their profits ~d last year  2. to make a ~ in baseball  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin triplus, adjective  Date: 15th century  1.  a. a ~ sum, quantity, or number  b. a combination, group, or series of three  2. a base hit that allows the batter to reach third base safely  3. trifecta 1  III. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin triplus, from tri- + -plus multiplied by — more at -fold  Date: 15th century  1. being three times as great or as many  2. having or involving three units or members ~ bypass heart surgery  3. having a threefold relation or character worked as a double or even ~ agent — Time  4.  a. three times repeated ; treble  b. having three full revolutions a ~ somersault a ~ lutz  5. marked by three beats per musical measure ~ meter  6.  a. having units of three components ~ feet  b. of rhyme involving correspondence of three syllables (as in unfortunate-importunate) ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 consisting of three usu. equal parts or things; threefold. 2 involving three parties. 3 three times as much or many (triple the amount; triple thickness). --n. 1 a threefold number or amount. 2 a set of three. 3 (in pl.) a peal of changes on seven bells. --v.tr. & intr. multiply or increase by three. Phrases and idioms triple crown 1 RC Ch. the pope's tiara. 2 the act of winning all three of a group of important events in horse-racing, rugby football, etc. triple jump an athletic exercise or contest comprising a hop, a step, and a jump. triple play Baseball the act of putting out three runners in a row. triple rhyme a rhyme including three syllables. triple time Mus. that with three beats to the bar; waltz time. Derivatives triply adv. Etymology: OF triple or L triplus f. Gk triplous ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) страивать 2) строенный 3) трехзаходный 4) трехкратный 5) трехоборотный 6) трехразовый 7) трехтрубный 8) тройка 9) тройничный 10) тройной 11) тройственный 12) троякий 13) утраивать 14) утроенный law of triple negation — закон тройного отрицания ordered vector triple — упорядоченная тройка векторов, репер scalar triple product — смешанное произведение (векторов) triple error detection — обнаружение тройных ошибок triple limit theorem — теорема о тройном предельном переходе triple of conjugate harmonic functions — тройка сопряженных гармонических функций triple point or water — тройная точка воды triple rectangular lattice — тройная прямоугольная решетка triple scalar product — смешанное произведение triple vector product — двойное векторное произведение vector triple product — двойное векторное произведение - arithmetic triple - binormal triple - collinear triple - cyclic triple - differential triple - distributive triple - dynamic triple - elementary triple - exceptional triple - harmonic triple - left-hand triple - noncollinear triple - number triple - ordered triple - probability triple - right-hand triple - transitive triple - triangulable triple - triple coincidence - triple comparison - triple condenser - triple correlation - triple cycle - triple equation - triple grouping - triple infinity - triple integral - triple interaction - triple lattice - triple limit - triple negation - triple of periods - triple point - triple precision - triple recursion - triple regression - triple root - triple smoothing - triple sum - triple superphosphate - triple system - triple tetrad - triple...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. прил. 1) тройной 2) утроенный 3) тройственный - triple nine 2. гл. утраивать(ся) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. тройное количество to increase to triple its original size —- увеличиваться втрое по сравнению с первоначальным размером 2. тройка, три (предмета) 3. трехкратное повторение школьной программы или обязательных фигур (фигурное катание) 4. тройной, утроенный triple cable —- эл. трехжильный кабель T. alliance —- ист. Тройственный союз T. entente —- ист. Антанта, Тройственное согласие T. Crown —- "Тройная корона" (символическая награда в регбийном турнире Британских островов) T. Event —- "Тройные соревнования в Англии) triple chin —- разг. тройной подбородок a triple portion of the cake —- тройная порция пирога triple foot —- стих. трехсложная стопа triple star —- астр. тройная звезда triple mounting —- воен. строенная установка triple fugue —- муз. тройная (трехголосая) фуга triple time —- муз. трехдольный размер triple jump —- спорт. тройной прыжок triple rear dismount —- тройная подножка (фигурное катание) triple scull with coxswain —- академическая парная тройка с рулевым (гребля) triple tie —- спорт. равенство трех участников 5. в грам. знач. нареч.: втрое, втройне Id: triple crown —- папская тиара Id: triple tree —- ист. виселица 6. утраивать to triple one's efforts —- утраивать усилия the export was tripled —- экспорт увеличился втрое 7. утраиваться the output of textiles tripled —- выпуск...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj. тройной; утроенный; Triple Alliance hist. - Тройственный союз; Triple Entente hist. - Антанта, Тройственное согласие; triple time mus. - трехдольный размер  2. v. утраивать(ся); to triple ones efforts - утраивать свои усилия ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 1375, from M.L. triplare "to triple," from L. triplus "threefold, triple," from tri- "three" + -plus "-fold." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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